And suddenly there rose before him, as vivid as though alive, the image of a long-forgotten, gentle old man who had given him geography lessons in Switzerland. 'Wait,' said the little old man, and he showed Pierre a globe. This globe was a living thing - a quivering ball of no fixed dimensions. Its whole surface consisted of drops closely squeezed together. And all these drops were shifting about, changing places, sometimes several coalescing into one, or one dividing into many. Each drop tried to expand and occupy as much space as possible, but others, striving to do the same, crushed it, sometimes absorbed it, at others melted into it.
'That is life,' said the old teacher.
'How simple and clear,' thought Pierre. 'How is it I never knew that before?'
-War and Peace, Book 4, Section 3, Part 15, pg 1261
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Monday, February 25, 2008
thanks for the balls
so i have been making a bad habit of staying up late. i used to do it last year and here i am again with it this year. oh well. sometimes i get hungry. hit up subway. thats one of the few things im going to miss when im in an apartment next year. being able to go down stairs and get food. tonight was another one of those subway run nights. just a six inch. nothing big. while i was getting it this girl that works there came from the back area and said "does anyone want any extra meatballs? we would just throw them out anyways." so i ablidge to and say thank you to the kind girl. it was really nice of her. she could have just thrown them out but she decided to ask some people. makes you want to do some good in the world.
i have to make a visit to the library tomorrow. aparently ive been renewing War and Peace so many times that i have to go in and make a claim that im nearly done with it and its a long book and im reading it for fun. right now im at pg 1135 of 1444 pages. so im almost done. shits going down in russia right now. people are dying. napoleon is thinking about peacing out of moscow even though he just took it over. pierre is trying to go Lee Harvey Oswald on napoleon. oh man!
i have to make a visit to the library tomorrow. aparently ive been renewing War and Peace so many times that i have to go in and make a claim that im nearly done with it and its a long book and im reading it for fun. right now im at pg 1135 of 1444 pages. so im almost done. shits going down in russia right now. people are dying. napoleon is thinking about peacing out of moscow even though he just took it over. pierre is trying to go Lee Harvey Oswald on napoleon. oh man!
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
RIP mug
what is hell. im sitting at my desk. doing a paper. not touching anything on my shelf. TIIIIIIIMBEEEEER. my printer comes crashing down from the first shelf on to my computer and desk. smashing my mug in the process.

look at that thing. just LOOK AT IT! its beautiful. that thing on its handle is a whistle. that worked. that i was planning on using with justin or kyle or bini or hicky when i got my own place. nope. and you know what was even better, it said "US Drinkng Team World Champions" on the side. yes, even with that typo on the 'drinking.' just perfect. you know how i got that mug? from a freaking salvation army garage sale up in wisconsin for.... drum role.... A QUARTER. 25 cents. my lord. good golly miss molly. allehuja. GOOD NIGHT!
RIP mug
never forget

look at that thing. just LOOK AT IT! its beautiful. that thing on its handle is a whistle. that worked. that i was planning on using with justin or kyle or bini or hicky when i got my own place. nope. and you know what was even better, it said "US Drinkng Team World Champions" on the side. yes, even with that typo on the 'drinking.' just perfect. you know how i got that mug? from a freaking salvation army garage sale up in wisconsin for.... drum role.... A QUARTER. 25 cents. my lord. good golly miss molly. allehuja. GOOD NIGHT!
RIP mug
never forget
Monday, February 18, 2008
Beards, they grow on you.
story time. in spanish today. we split up into 4 groups and played spanish jeopardy. kyle and i were on different teams so we, of course, make a huge specticle of "pew pews" and "ooooh get did!"'s. kyle has a kid thats really into spanish. he's kinda creepy. so they do pretty good and jump up to like 200 points at one point in time. my team wanted to go for big money (500) and got it wrong. "oooooh GET DID GREG. pew pew pewwwww!" comes the inevitable cheer from kyle. it comes around to kyles teams turn again and they get the answer right, again, which put them at 400 points. we dont go SO bold and shoot for a 300. double jeopardy!. i some how persuade the teacher to make the wagered amount be 900 so if we get it right then we would be tied for first. we get the question right! OOOOOH GET DID KYLE. i throw out some guns. pew pew pew. and start celebrating. "oh senior gregorio! ?un biblioteca?" says the teacher. apparently i had my book open but was not even looking at it!!! ohp, see ya later points. we shoot down to -1200. kyle couldnt stop laughing and i dont know how he didnt run out of ammunition for his guns. i think i have a vendetta with spanish.
Saturday, February 16, 2008
TV Sitcom
so i heard this story the other day and i had to write it down because its too good to be true. but it is. true. ANYWAYS, so my friend sarahs grandma has been spreading this rumor around that natalie did this story. and natalie had just got off the phone from her mother telling her that. i asked sarah what the story was and this is what she told me.
so natalie has an older brother that lives in chicago. the older brother has a friend, her name is natalie, that was dog sitting for this couple that went on vacation to a far off land for a week. everything is going fine for the first few days but then she goes into the house and finds the dog dead in the middle of the floor. this dog is a big dog. like 150 pounds big. so she calls up the couple and they dont answer so then she calls up animal control to see what to do with the dog. well she calls and they say that they can preserve the dog until the couple comes back and deals with the dead dog. but the thing is that they wont pick up the dog. natalie is kinda puzzled in how she is going to transport a 150 pound dog to animal control. so she puts the dog in a rolling suitcase and lugs it down the street. she gets to the animal control building but the office is on the 3rd floor. she starts treking up the stairs with a dead dog in a suitcase bouncing off of every step. well this one guy starts coming up the steps and sees that she is having a really hard time getting it up the steps. "wow that seems like its a pretty heavy suitcase, you need any help?" he says. "oh no, im fine thanks" natalie says, thinking that its already really wierd that she is carrying around a dead dog. she gets to the third floor and the guy behind her then asks what she has in the suitcase. well she cant say that she has a dead dog in there so she says that she has a ton of stereo equiptment. once the guy hears that he then proceeds to take the suitcase and run out the building never to be heard of again. dead dog and all.
when i heard that story i died laughing, it seems something right out of a TV show. definately worth an episode to circle around.
other than that i went home for the weekend and saw that my magazine subscription came in. mrs aubert was really nice on christmas and got the agnes kids all each a magazine subscription for a year to a magazine that interested each of us. mine was to Bicycle magazine and i started to read what was in it. i got to this one article called "Born to Ride" which talked about alternative urban biking races. it centered around the author talking about this Urban Assault Race ( that is a bike race to different checkpoints around the designated city where you have to complete a challenge to complete the checkpoint. some of last years challenges included adult Big Wheels, inflatable rafts, and bean bags. here is a video on it. request for team huge dicks to make an appearance?
so natalie has an older brother that lives in chicago. the older brother has a friend, her name is natalie, that was dog sitting for this couple that went on vacation to a far off land for a week. everything is going fine for the first few days but then she goes into the house and finds the dog dead in the middle of the floor. this dog is a big dog. like 150 pounds big. so she calls up the couple and they dont answer so then she calls up animal control to see what to do with the dog. well she calls and they say that they can preserve the dog until the couple comes back and deals with the dead dog. but the thing is that they wont pick up the dog. natalie is kinda puzzled in how she is going to transport a 150 pound dog to animal control. so she puts the dog in a rolling suitcase and lugs it down the street. she gets to the animal control building but the office is on the 3rd floor. she starts treking up the stairs with a dead dog in a suitcase bouncing off of every step. well this one guy starts coming up the steps and sees that she is having a really hard time getting it up the steps. "wow that seems like its a pretty heavy suitcase, you need any help?" he says. "oh no, im fine thanks" natalie says, thinking that its already really wierd that she is carrying around a dead dog. she gets to the third floor and the guy behind her then asks what she has in the suitcase. well she cant say that she has a dead dog in there so she says that she has a ton of stereo equiptment. once the guy hears that he then proceeds to take the suitcase and run out the building never to be heard of again. dead dog and all.
when i heard that story i died laughing, it seems something right out of a TV show. definately worth an episode to circle around.
other than that i went home for the weekend and saw that my magazine subscription came in. mrs aubert was really nice on christmas and got the agnes kids all each a magazine subscription for a year to a magazine that interested each of us. mine was to Bicycle magazine and i started to read what was in it. i got to this one article called "Born to Ride" which talked about alternative urban biking races. it centered around the author talking about this Urban Assault Race ( that is a bike race to different checkpoints around the designated city where you have to complete a challenge to complete the checkpoint. some of last years challenges included adult Big Wheels, inflatable rafts, and bean bags. here is a video on it. request for team huge dicks to make an appearance?
Thursday, February 14, 2008
I think its turning your life up side down face.
so im feeling better today. its been a gradual progression towards feeling better. i still have a headache and sort of week but at least i dont feel absolutely miserable. hopefully i never forget that feeling, because that just sucked and itll make me think twice when drinking out of community cups in social games... of the weekend.
ill be heading home this weekend. i missed out on a bunch of homework this week and, with my awesome group of friends, i would not be able to get it down with all these birthdays and people coming down this weekend from CL. the saturday reputation that we have been putting up wont help. yes yes i know, im "pussing" out on mark and sheys birthday, jake and dale are coming down. but ive got a lot of things to read, speeches to write, chapters to evaluate. i really need to stay on top of it this semester too. so im doing it for the greater good.... plus i have a ton of laundry.
so in speech class today we started giving our first speech and this one guy started talking about same sex marriages. all of our topics had to be about the presidential campaign. then he says "im personally involved in this topic because i am a homosexual"... ballsy. im fine with his sexual orientation but it was just crazy for him to just come out and say it like that in front of the class. he was really nervous. i gave him some huge props.
happy valentines day.
ill be heading home this weekend. i missed out on a bunch of homework this week and, with my awesome group of friends, i would not be able to get it down with all these birthdays and people coming down this weekend from CL. the saturday reputation that we have been putting up wont help. yes yes i know, im "pussing" out on mark and sheys birthday, jake and dale are coming down. but ive got a lot of things to read, speeches to write, chapters to evaluate. i really need to stay on top of it this semester too. so im doing it for the greater good.... plus i have a ton of laundry.
so in speech class today we started giving our first speech and this one guy started talking about same sex marriages. all of our topics had to be about the presidential campaign. then he says "im personally involved in this topic because i am a homosexual"... ballsy. im fine with his sexual orientation but it was just crazy for him to just come out and say it like that in front of the class. he was really nervous. i gave him some huge props.
happy valentines day.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Real Sick
so ive been sick. it sucks. it started up sunday morning, you know, when you get that little itch in your throat. then you go to bed. wake up feeling aweful. then during the day you just feel like death. oh yea. last night i slept for about 15 hours after sarah and i tag teamed my spanish homework (neuve). ive been stocking up on orange juice. i took a quiz seeing if you have either the cold or flu. well the questions were all "do you have a headache; yes or no" and it was so depressing. i said yes for everyone except if i had a fever because... i dont know if i have a fever. i might need natalie to take me to the doctor again. getting sick sucks. i would never recommend it.
its been a while since ive posted last. my apologies. this sickness is owning me. i rejected my lent devotion. the general response when people here that is. "your turning your back on the LOOOOOORD!". i think its hilarious.
from the test
"Are you or your child exhausted or weak?
You answered: Yes
Slight fatigue can occur with a cold, but extreme exhaustion is a definite sign of the flu. Though the worst of any flu is usually over within three or four days, flu fatigue can linger for weeks. Lots of rest can help, whether it's a cold or the flu."
its been a while since ive posted last. my apologies. this sickness is owning me. i rejected my lent devotion. the general response when people here that is. "your turning your back on the LOOOOOORD!". i think its hilarious.
from the test
"Are you or your child exhausted or weak?
You answered: Yes
Slight fatigue can occur with a cold, but extreme exhaustion is a definite sign of the flu. Though the worst of any flu is usually over within three or four days, flu fatigue can linger for weeks. Lots of rest can help, whether it's a cold or the flu."
Monday, February 4, 2008
Time Flies
so whoa, where did the whole week go? its been a long time since i last updated. its been a good time at the ilstu. went to bradley for kaits birthday party which was fun. got beat in pong by a girl that was named katrina, i got rocked like new orleans. just horrible. lyndi ordered a whole boccis pizza that about 9 people coule not polish off. that thing is just huge. met some new friends of mine and talked about pilates, bmi levels in friends, singing "i wear my sunglasses at night" whenever a kid with ... sunglasses around, told a girl that she was "listerining that shit" (she took a shot and rinsed her mouth with it...), and generally had a good time. hopefully i make another visit soon.
and hopefully some fellow NCC brohans will visit down here sometime soon...
been chugging away at War and Peace but looked up what some of the characters looked like in the movie that came out in the 60s or something. i saw that one of the main characters was audrey hepburn and that was cool. but then i looked at some other ones and accidently read the main climax of the book. fuck. damnit wikipedia! now im just saying to myself "oh its wikipedia, it could be wrong..." and hopefully it is. it kinda bums you out. thats what i did with the Dune series. instead of reading them i just got the plot summary off wikipedia and read that. kinda ruined it for me. but hopefully the climax being given away will not damper my book.
there are so many books out there. i dont know how people get bored all the time. tv for the most part blows (except for a couple of shows and the discovery channel) and reading a book is an investment. your involved it feels like.
i miss my bike. i know its sitting nice and comfortable in my room (i dont trust the garage in the winter) but i want to be on it. now. i havent rode a lot because of the weather and i need to get on the bike at the gym some more but the class readings have been overbearing. that shouldnt be an excuse though.
happy the pats lost.
need to scedual a plasma appointment. maybe one day ill give a kidney away, you only need one, and some guts (metaphorically and literally.) i just have been thinking if someone matched up that needed one they would be forever grateful. like how much would that own if someone. out of the blue. just decided to donate his kidney and you were in need of one? a lot, thats how much.
andy and i have been rocking at rock band. but there is this one song that is a bitch. its called "green grass and high tides" and the guitar solo is crazy long and hard. i just need to step up my game. andy is a natural. justin needs to sing. and dale needs to play lead while i take my support position as bass. i respect his abilities.
how dumb are people that spend over 400 on any kind of fabric clothing... real dumb.
ok, this was cool of shaq. also i want to be in a vitamin water commercial. maybe dunking on shaq! or birdying 6 out of the last 7 holes to beat Tiger Woods.
and hopefully some fellow NCC brohans will visit down here sometime soon...
been chugging away at War and Peace but looked up what some of the characters looked like in the movie that came out in the 60s or something. i saw that one of the main characters was audrey hepburn and that was cool. but then i looked at some other ones and accidently read the main climax of the book. fuck. damnit wikipedia! now im just saying to myself "oh its wikipedia, it could be wrong..." and hopefully it is. it kinda bums you out. thats what i did with the Dune series. instead of reading them i just got the plot summary off wikipedia and read that. kinda ruined it for me. but hopefully the climax being given away will not damper my book.
there are so many books out there. i dont know how people get bored all the time. tv for the most part blows (except for a couple of shows and the discovery channel) and reading a book is an investment. your involved it feels like.
i miss my bike. i know its sitting nice and comfortable in my room (i dont trust the garage in the winter) but i want to be on it. now. i havent rode a lot because of the weather and i need to get on the bike at the gym some more but the class readings have been overbearing. that shouldnt be an excuse though.
happy the pats lost.
need to scedual a plasma appointment. maybe one day ill give a kidney away, you only need one, and some guts (metaphorically and literally.) i just have been thinking if someone matched up that needed one they would be forever grateful. like how much would that own if someone. out of the blue. just decided to donate his kidney and you were in need of one? a lot, thats how much.
andy and i have been rocking at rock band. but there is this one song that is a bitch. its called "green grass and high tides" and the guitar solo is crazy long and hard. i just need to step up my game. andy is a natural. justin needs to sing. and dale needs to play lead while i take my support position as bass. i respect his abilities.
how dumb are people that spend over 400 on any kind of fabric clothing... real dumb.
ok, this was cool of shaq. also i want to be in a vitamin water commercial. maybe dunking on shaq! or birdying 6 out of the last 7 holes to beat Tiger Woods.
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