"i digress" is a new term for me. i believe it means that you get off topic. but the starting topic was dumb but ill just say it anyway for the fact that i want to have a better topic that was never here in the first place.
facebook is addicting.
if it was a drug i would be living on the streets by now. which brings me to the fact that i just want to share that i gave that and all personal use of the internet up for lent last year. yes, i did nearly go insane and yes, i will never do it again. but it was something that was hard. i like to test myself every year to see how far i can go. like for example, i gave up "creaming the mastadon"one year, biting my nails (horrible habit of mine) and i think one year i actually drank two nalgeen bottles a day. but that last one didnt last long. actually that might not even be true.
put this man as your background. itll make you smile.
"Greatest-Old-Man-Picture of the day"

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