so once apon a time there was a few kids on a tour. what kind of tour you ask? a Tour de Elgin. my friend justin, brandon, bill, and i think ... joiner? went on a bike ride to Elgin. from crystal lake (also known as CL) its about 15 miles via bikeride. we all got our bikes and went on the Prarie Trail bike route. i was not a very smart lad and forgot to eat breakfast. so we pasted I-90, which is just around where we turn around, and took a break before heading back. i was feeling fine. up until brandon looked at his watch and said "oh shit, i gotta get back ive got a blahblahblah to go to soon". and starts picking up the pace. on that notion i decide to go with him because i had a little competitive side to me and i love going fast on bikes. well half way back it hit me. i was hungry. but i couldnt slow down! i had to keep up with brandon. and this is not just normal hunger. this is the kind of hunger that makes you feel like your stomach is a black hole or its eating away at itself. i was losing it. but keeping up with brandon. we get back to CL. we are swerving through the back streets getting towards justins house. we throw down our bikes in the back yard. justins little bro phil and his gf were in the pool. its hot. i walk up the pool latter. dont even say hello back to phil who is a friend also. tuck my head and do a lazy flip in the pool. i dont want to move. but then the black hole comes back. i slug out of the lukewarm water. climb down the stairs. procede to the kitchen. "you guys hungry?" says Mrs. Brown, one of the nicest ladies ever. im in a trance. i go for some bread. i see a full package of ham and procede to take nearly it all and make one sandwich. i devoir that thing like theres nothing more important in my life. and i think with my mindset there wasnt anything. but anyways, so the rest of the guys get back and we have a fiest. pasta, yogurt, sandwiches, juiceboxs. you name it! we had it. but during the process of gorging my face i was still in the worst of moods. just the little things set me off. for example; i love Mrs. Brown. she was serving pasta and then asks
"does anyone want any red sauce?"
"its marinara!"
or when she was kindly giving us pretzels...
"anyone want any pretzels?"
it was not the best point of my life. i love Mrs. Brown but i was not in the greatest of moods. also i asked her to get me a capri sun from the basement. overall it was a good trip and i hope it turns into a tradition. even though i just about died the first time.
Birthday/Christmas/Gift-of-My-Life Idea

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