so ive been on the road a lot since the christmas trip to iowa started this winter break. since my dad decided to move away from relative infested iowa to take up a job in chicago we have been making up that seperation by going there on every major break. its been good.
we started off driving 10 and a half hours to Souix City. thats the longest it has ever taken us. usually its around 8 but one of our freakin car top carries decided to say "screw you, im going to mess things up" by popping open while we are going 80 and throwing around everything that was in it on to the highway. oh yea.
we turned around in those U-turn places for "authorized vehicles only" (yea i know, bad ass) and looked around at all this trash that was sometimes our possessions. turns out we saved a digital camera, so it was worth coming back. but the real dilemma was trying to find some bungie cords to hold the car top carrier down with. took us a few stops and we got the job done.
-side note- the gas station "QT" is the most legit gas station ive ever seen.
christmas was fun. we spent the 24th in souix city with my dads side and had some gift exchanges there. then we had the annual christmas party at my dads brothers wifes parents house talking to people i dont know that i will most definately not see until next year and will try to act like i know them next time the party comes around. but i did talk to a high school algebra teacher of 30 years who likes to read. told me to read "Moby Dick". he said he's started reading it about 10 times and has never finished it. ill probably never read it.
after that went to my aunts house (aunt kim) and unpacked there. its been getting pretty rediculous with this whole pack the car, unpack the car, use some stuff, pack the car, unpack the car, use some stuff thing. living out of a suitcase blows. but i digress.
went to my OTHER aunts house (aunt carol) on my moms side and had christmas with a bunch of relatives. owned in monopoly. ate the best food ever. ate some more food. got my gift stolen about 5 times in the grab bag. ended up with a duck carving kit, a brand of cognac hat, and a retro elk wall decoration for the white elephant. ate some more food. and accidently opened my gift to my godfather, thinking that my mom was giving me a gift. my mom never told me that it was his!
that was in Sibley, Iowa
and it was snowing the whole time. i couldnt stop complimenting on how sweet it was that it was snowing on christmas day. there are so many xmas's that i have had that there was absolutely no snow. this time, we were getting dumped on. i think it was 5 inches of snow through out the day. it never stopped the whole time i was in Sibley. there were your really small kind. your snowflakes the size of quarters kind. it was just a perk that i really liked, especially for today.
so we woke up late today at my aunt kims house. went to goodwill and aunt kim said that we had to spend 35 cents. it was tough because there wasnt a lot of good stuff even though i looked extensively in the sports jacket section. but i found a nice beerstein to use for next year. i think im going to have too many house cups. i need to whittle it down to one. but after that we headed out of aunt kims. said goodbye and everything. and then headed up here to minneapolis where my cousin lives. shes of an older generation and had kids which one is almost my age. tomorrow we will be snowboarding on this newly fallen, natural, not icey, snow. im excited.
oh yea and i got a new bike for christmas. im excited for it.
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Freakin Balls
so you know how people say that people are most afraid of is speaking in public, even more than fearing death. well my number one fear is confession in front of a priest. oh yea. its intimidating. and my mom just loves to go to it every christmas and easter. so my whole family is subjected to going to church. sitting in front of a priest. and spilling our guts out on every sin that we have done since our last confession. and you cant lie to a priest. even though i have. but more of just leaving sins out. but your there. he's not going to say anything. but still. i feel like ive got a new start. getting over an obstacle. do non-denominational do confession?
been working out 5 days a week, and liking it. biking 35 min a day. seeing a bunch of friends at lifetime. playing some vball. working out. its good. hopefully i can make up for it at ilstu with not as great equipment.
im a ninja turtle in halo. Donatello, boy. turtles in a half shell.
its good to be home with some friends.
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Indian Prarie hillllll
so here's how my night went. I'm sick and tired of the whole;
"hey what are you doing"
"oh nothing, but if something comes up ill call you"
its boring, its dumb, its home. thats what happens a lot. well i couldn't take it, i wanted some kind of fun.
well i made my own. i got good ol' BUCKLE UP 1 (my families astro van) and picked up everyone. andy, willes, abby, mark, kyle, justin. we all pack in there. get some stuff to keep up warm. i didn't have any because i decided to take one for the team and be the DD. they pounded it. then we all went to indian prairie hill and caused a ruckus. oh and it was real great when mike and steve decide to spray the fire extingusher in the car... well... we start flying down the hill about 5 times and then we were so tired. especially the people that had a bit of natural anti-freeze in their blood. at one point in time bergan joined us in the fun. met andys lil bro kevin and some of his friends. at one point in time steve tackled me down the hill and then ev-er-y-one decided to join in and we liteally went down the hill in a ball of tackling and dog piling and i didnt know whos shoe was in my face or who was pound driving my head into the ground. my first guess would be mark. after that mike and andy decided to peace out with bergan and then on the way to his car justin sees one of my sleds that i brought being taken away by someone else. it was one of those old wooden sleds that you would see in like "A Christmas Story", its probably from the 1940s, you cant miss it. well the kids decided to call justin a puuuuuussy and he wanted to rumble but walked away. well then when we all decided to leave because mark gave abby a high ankle sprain or something while they were wrestling in the snow. nice job mark. we start to leave and then those kids (they were our age or older) decide to start talking smack-a-lack. justin comes back with a "DOUSH BAAAG" to one of the losers and walks back towards the car. well this girl comes up to the car, puts her had into the car and holds on to the hand loop right in the frame of the door so the sliding door doesnt shut. "um your an asshole and you need to apologize for the doushbag comment". wait wait wait.... justin? apologize? i dont think so. so mark does it for them. and we start shutting the door. "oh no you didnt!" says one of her crew. and they procede to start chucking snowballs at the car. "no one slams the door on my girls fingers!" um ok... well i just ask "can we leave" to them and they let go and then the girl starts kicking snow at the car while we are leaving. well. we get about 20 feet away and then steve goes "fuck this, im getting out" then justin and kyle procedes after that. mark tries to get them into the car. fails. and i pull away because of abbys ankle and i want to get her back to marks. so its steve, kyle, and justin. talking shit. to about 7 guys and a girl. real great. i drop off abby and mark and just decide to head home because then justin, steve and kyle get picked up by bergen. and from what i heard from justin after they got back was this via instant messanger;
greg: how big of a bitch was the girl in the yellow
greg: hahahaha
justin: when wille was yelling at them she walks up to me and says "u fuck with a stripper, you fuck with her bouncers"
justin: i just said "what?"
justin: she repeats
justin: i go "so wait..........your a stripper?"
so apparently we were fighting with a stripper and her bouncers. at indian prarie hill. sledding.
what a story
"hey what are you doing"
"oh nothing, but if something comes up ill call you"
its boring, its dumb, its home. thats what happens a lot. well i couldn't take it, i wanted some kind of fun.
well i made my own. i got good ol' BUCKLE UP 1 (my families astro van) and picked up everyone. andy, willes, abby, mark, kyle, justin. we all pack in there. get some stuff to keep up warm. i didn't have any because i decided to take one for the team and be the DD. they pounded it. then we all went to indian prairie hill and caused a ruckus. oh and it was real great when mike and steve decide to spray the fire extingusher in the car... well... we start flying down the hill about 5 times and then we were so tired. especially the people that had a bit of natural anti-freeze in their blood. at one point in time bergan joined us in the fun. met andys lil bro kevin and some of his friends. at one point in time steve tackled me down the hill and then ev-er-y-one decided to join in and we liteally went down the hill in a ball of tackling and dog piling and i didnt know whos shoe was in my face or who was pound driving my head into the ground. my first guess would be mark. after that mike and andy decided to peace out with bergan and then on the way to his car justin sees one of my sleds that i brought being taken away by someone else. it was one of those old wooden sleds that you would see in like "A Christmas Story", its probably from the 1940s, you cant miss it. well the kids decided to call justin a puuuuuussy and he wanted to rumble but walked away. well then when we all decided to leave because mark gave abby a high ankle sprain or something while they were wrestling in the snow. nice job mark. we start to leave and then those kids (they were our age or older) decide to start talking smack-a-lack. justin comes back with a "DOUSH BAAAG" to one of the losers and walks back towards the car. well this girl comes up to the car, puts her had into the car and holds on to the hand loop right in the frame of the door so the sliding door doesnt shut. "um your an asshole and you need to apologize for the doushbag comment". wait wait wait.... justin? apologize? i dont think so. so mark does it for them. and we start shutting the door. "oh no you didnt!" says one of her crew. and they procede to start chucking snowballs at the car. "no one slams the door on my girls fingers!" um ok... well i just ask "can we leave" to them and they let go and then the girl starts kicking snow at the car while we are leaving. well. we get about 20 feet away and then steve goes "fuck this, im getting out" then justin and kyle procedes after that. mark tries to get them into the car. fails. and i pull away because of abbys ankle and i want to get her back to marks. so its steve, kyle, and justin. talking shit. to about 7 guys and a girl. real great. i drop off abby and mark and just decide to head home because then justin, steve and kyle get picked up by bergen. and from what i heard from justin after they got back was this via instant messanger;
greg: how big of a bitch was the girl in the yellow
greg: hahahaha
justin: when wille was yelling at them she walks up to me and says "u fuck with a stripper, you fuck with her bouncers"
justin: i just said "what?"
justin: she repeats
justin: i go "so wait..........your a stripper?"
so apparently we were fighting with a stripper and her bouncers. at indian prarie hill. sledding.
what a story
Friday, December 14, 2007
Back Home
so its good to be back home really. i thought it was going to be boring but for the most part its been fun. got all packed up and got my dorm set up for winter break. which was a pain because it seemed 10x more cluttered just because a dumb pipe could break and destroy everything in the room. got a ride home with bini and caught up on some sports talk radio. went through morris on the way back.... i hate morris. caught up on some chit chat with my mom and dad and got more involved in the concept of getting a bike for christmas. very excited for that. hung out over at dales and then got some usual taco bell.... and i was the one that drove. and kyle and dale loved it because the last time i went drive through i swear i heard the taco bell worker say "is this for here or to go?" through the speark. in the drive through. and i responded with a "yes this is to-go.... what?". i dont think they will ever let me live that one down.
off to lifetime to catch up on some excersise. i just love sleeping in.
off to lifetime to catch up on some excersise. i just love sleeping in.
Monday, December 10, 2007
Finals Looming
the weekend was a blur. i dont remember much about it other than just hanging out at different peoples apartments and houses, owning kids with vargus, rachels 21st, seeing The Golden Compass, and buying vanilla wafers. other than that nothing much happened. it was a fun way to end out the 2007 year at isu.
i dont have any money on my food plan anymore. actually. i do. about 2 dollars but then again two dollars will probably buy me a couple packets of peanut butter and a bagel. not cool.
been buckling down for finals now. making notecards is awesome for tests.
so for next year dale is going to try and get into cooking. he wants to try and make it a hobby which when you think of it is pretty legit. how many times have you wanted to cook something good and you didnt know how. i gave him a option for next year. i dont know how often... maybe 3-4x a month he could tell me what he wanted to make for dinner and i would go out and buy the stuff for him. but im not talking about oven bake pizza or anything. im talking about like steak, some good pasta, or even like burgers. something that i would be able to look forward to on whatever day we pick to have good dinners. hopefully itll be good.
Random-Thought of the day is
if i could be anywhere right now it would be boarding down a hill at Keystone, CO.
i dont have any money on my food plan anymore. actually. i do. about 2 dollars but then again two dollars will probably buy me a couple packets of peanut butter and a bagel. not cool.
been buckling down for finals now. making notecards is awesome for tests.
so for next year dale is going to try and get into cooking. he wants to try and make it a hobby which when you think of it is pretty legit. how many times have you wanted to cook something good and you didnt know how. i gave him a option for next year. i dont know how often... maybe 3-4x a month he could tell me what he wanted to make for dinner and i would go out and buy the stuff for him. but im not talking about oven bake pizza or anything. im talking about like steak, some good pasta, or even like burgers. something that i would be able to look forward to on whatever day we pick to have good dinners. hopefully itll be good.
Random-Thought of the day is
if i could be anywhere right now it would be boarding down a hill at Keystone, CO.
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
kid nation
i love this show.
go jared.
and i havent lost it in a long time like i did when i saw this quote
misk21587: Jrbrown307 (7:55:33 PM): anjays a loser hahahahaha
go jared.
and i havent lost it in a long time like i did when i saw this quote
misk21587: Jrbrown307 (7:55:33 PM): anjays a loser hahahahaha
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Battle Royale!
so sarah and i just watched a movie. it was Battle Royale. its a JAPANESE JAPANESE JAPANESE movie about 40 random kids picked from a lottary to be stuck on an island with an original weapon and fight to the death until there is one survivor. pretty intense but the emotions and pretty much everything else having to do with plot was "lost in translation". austin, im sorry. i didnt like the movie. but there were some pretty good last words. like a girls dying words were "you look so cool" to this guy that she really liked.
just found out that i have three finals on next thursday. how horrible would that be? thank the good Lord above that you can change your final scedual around if you have 3 on one day.
i just got news from my dad that i will be getting a bike from santa. now santa is really cool and lets me pick out the bike i want. so ill be on the lookout for a nice road bike. santa owns.
trying to start training for RAGBRAI right now. i hate biking on a machine indoors.
Best-Pic-of-My-Friend-Sarah-and-Kelsey of the day is!
(kelsey left, sarah right)
just found out that i have three finals on next thursday. how horrible would that be? thank the good Lord above that you can change your final scedual around if you have 3 on one day.
i just got news from my dad that i will be getting a bike from santa. now santa is really cool and lets me pick out the bike i want. so ill be on the lookout for a nice road bike. santa owns.
trying to start training for RAGBRAI right now. i hate biking on a machine indoors.
Best-Pic-of-My-Friend-Sarah-and-Kelsey of the day is!
(kelsey left, sarah right)

Sunday, December 2, 2007
so i went for a roadtrip to miami-ohio and purdue this weekend. it was refreshing. kinda switching up things for my social setting was fun. hopefully ill be able to do that more in the future. there are a lot of friends out there i gotta visit.
i hate it when i find out that i am over my head in something. right now its homework. i should be working on two 5 page papers right now but im just putting some thoughts online. and listening to "best of simon and garfunkel", one of the best 13 dolla buys ive ever had. i want to get a blazer. i think im getting a bike for christmas, shhhhawiiiiing.
saw american gangster last night. that shit is iiiiintense. for a movie its not really that intense because blow a guys head off yadda yadda yadda sell some coke yadda yadda yadda. but i tried to put myself into that situation (since its a true story) and it blew my mind. its a really good movie and is bound to get some oscars.
ive been trucking on War And Peace. its getting more interesting every page.
Ahhh hell lets have two pics
Amazing pic of the day!

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