Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Freakin Balls

so you know how people say that people are most afraid of is speaking in public, even more than fearing death. well my number one fear is confession in front of a priest. oh yea. its intimidating. and my mom just loves to go to it every christmas and easter. so my whole family is subjected to going to church. sitting in front of a priest. and spilling our guts out on every sin that we have done since our last confession. and you cant lie to a priest. even though i have. but more of just leaving sins out. but your there. he's not going to say anything. but still. i feel like ive got a new start. getting over an obstacle. do non-denominational do confession?


been working out 5 days a week, and liking it. biking 35 min a day. seeing a bunch of friends at lifetime. playing some vball. working out. its good. hopefully i can make up for it at ilstu with not as great equipment.

im a ninja turtle in halo. Donatello, boy. turtles in a half shell.

its good to be home with some friends.

Item-Related-to-Mark-and-Justins-Present picture of the day is!

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