so today was calm. nothing really happened other than two things.
the first one.
so its andy, his roommate brian, and i sitting at watterson food court getting a bite to eat for dinner and all of the sudden these two girls come by. they ask us if they could ask us questions and video tape us for this one social network that has just started up. we say sure. they say if the video is good enough it could be on TV. we say cool. they start filming and asking us a question a piece. andys question was what his most embarressing moment was. he said it was when he pooped in a pool when he was 5. what a bamf. then she asks me the same question and then i respond with my first kiss. you can watch it now if you want.
and if there are enough views i could be on television! so everyone watch it! tell your friends! actually, check that. you dont need to. but does this qualify me for internet celebrity status. hells yea. pew pew.
the second one.
andy, his roommate brian, and i played rock band after the fame inducing interview. we are going to be rock stars for sure. c'ya!
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Sunday, January 27, 2008
idk my bff rose
so a week ago it was snowing and late at night and abby calls me up "hey, mark and i are walking in the snow, want to come?" i say why not and join. but we really only go back to abbys dorm so whatever. but we saw some people conjugated around a tree. i of course say hi but they dont respond. then we find out a few days later that they were apart of a new club at school. the graffiti knitters... so we got some chumps sitting at home, knitting, and then wrapping their creations around trees. now every tree is going to be "knitted" by sometime soon. and doing some research on these people, they like to call themselves "knittas". dear lord.
what has the world come to.
what has the world come to.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Poet and You Know It
so a good amount of my classes are pushers. pushers in the sense that they want me to invest a lot of time in those classes outside of the class room. yes yes every class should try and be like that but these are putting it in action. pushing my theoretical thoughts in advance exposition, pushing my time management with at least 9 chapters every day for homework in American Lit, pushing my poetic involvement and experience in Poetry. so i decided to go and push a little bit more for Poetry. i made a poem. about my dorm room.
Dorm Room
The Bourbon Street of New Orleans
The Sloppy Joe of Hemingway
The elk of glass and wood combined
Right near the scarf of Amsterdam
The stick to rub the itch away
Hanged from the framed Cosmo Kramer
The Lotus latern shines so bright
With glow of that electric light
Seats guests upon lumpy futon
To watch shows like intervention
With corners full of dust rabbits
Clean sweeps are but four months away
The wings of Jordan spreading wide
Touch christmas lighted speckled sky
Boy through wall is bad at guitar
Gold fish died off before the snow
Robert Frost here I come.
Dorm Room
The Bourbon Street of New Orleans
The Sloppy Joe of Hemingway
The elk of glass and wood combined
Right near the scarf of Amsterdam
The stick to rub the itch away
Hanged from the framed Cosmo Kramer
The Lotus latern shines so bright
With glow of that electric light
Seats guests upon lumpy futon
To watch shows like intervention
With corners full of dust rabbits
Clean sweeps are but four months away
The wings of Jordan spreading wide
Touch christmas lighted speckled sky
Boy through wall is bad at guitar
Gold fish died off before the snow
Robert Frost here I come.
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Playing Some Baseball
"Oh man its the bottom of the last inning. the "Glorious Elks" are down 1, with twooooo outs. Started down 3 at the start of the inning but have rallied back to make it a ballgame thanks to clutch hitting by Brian "The Duck" Eiler and Justin " Busten" Brown. Up comes Gregory Agnes batting 0 for a million on the day. Really struggling at the plate. Wel'p he swings like Fukudome aaaand... THERE IT GOES. He's going, he's going, he's going. Slides into third. Yeaaaaa. Now Justin Brown is up. Getting ready to add to his... wait... there goes. i cant. I CANT BELIEVE WHATS HAPPENING. Agnes is stealing home. Agnes is stealing home. The slowest man on the team is stealing home. Nick "The Flip" Bambini is catching! Theres no way.... Oh its close. Bini fumbles the ball. Agnes is ... SAFE. SAFE. SAFE. SAFE. SAFE. Elks win! Elks win! Elks Win!!!!!!!"
One hell of a game. I would have to say that this was number 9 on my Top Ten favorite moments.
One hell of a game. I would have to say that this was number 9 on my Top Ten favorite moments.
Friday, January 18, 2008
i might be bipolar
so yea, i have some good ups and downs. not extreme. but very noticable. a lot of things have been happening. so heres a rant.
every teacher thinking that my life is going to revolve around every class
watterson food court closing for the weekend
dumb girls
no money
no bike rides
spending $600 on books
the wind outside of watterson always blowing at you
teacher thinking that every required book in college being used
saying "pizza hut" when the teacher asks in spanish "what do you like to drink with your friends"
getting a spanish tutor
no job
dumb job fair
forgetting heavy things at home
only playing rap at parties
War and Peace
biking on new bike
finishing book
classes i actually like
working out
those wafer sticks with chocolate in them
funny harry potter lines, ex; "of course! phoenix tears have healing powers!" psh what a bull shit ending
hot showers
its been a long stressful week.
every teacher thinking that my life is going to revolve around every class
watterson food court closing for the weekend
dumb girls
no money
no bike rides
spending $600 on books
the wind outside of watterson always blowing at you
teacher thinking that every required book in college being used
saying "pizza hut" when the teacher asks in spanish "what do you like to drink with your friends"
getting a spanish tutor
no job
dumb job fair
forgetting heavy things at home
only playing rap at parties
War and Peace
biking on new bike
finishing book
classes i actually like
working out
those wafer sticks with chocolate in them
funny harry potter lines, ex; "of course! phoenix tears have healing powers!" psh what a bull shit ending
hot showers
its been a long stressful week.
Monday, January 14, 2008
War and Peace
"Nikolai's lungs seemed to breathe in not air but an elixir of eternal youth and joy."
-Book Two, Part 4: 1810-1811, Section 11
-Book Two, Part 4: 1810-1811, Section 11
Sunday, January 13, 2008
so i got back at the good ol' ilstu yesturday and its been nice. got a ride down with sarah and her dad talked the whole time. surprisingly the stories were awesome and there was never a dull moment on the two hour trip.
packing and unpacking sucked. i spent around 3 hours getting the room set up and what not. but the worst is paying for books. they are so expensive. i really think someone should do something about that. paying 50 bucks for a stupid clicker that gets updated every year is dumb also.
professional football has been fun to watch. mostly because the teams that i want to win have won. its good.
i brought enough books to school to be considered a "college dorm library".
packing and unpacking sucked. i spent around 3 hours getting the room set up and what not. but the worst is paying for books. they are so expensive. i really think someone should do something about that. paying 50 bucks for a stupid clicker that gets updated every year is dumb also.
professional football has been fun to watch. mostly because the teams that i want to win have won. its good.
i brought enough books to school to be considered a "college dorm library".
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Stuck in Dundee
word of advice; if its 50 some degrees outside and its supposed to rain, dont try to see how far you can bike.
ive been pretty excited about these bike rides and the weather wasnt so bad the past two days. so i decided to do another one today. well i didnt check the weather and its supposed to rain a bunch of today and get colder. i bike all the way to dundee thinking that ill go to the dairy queen on the prairie trail and then turn around. welllll i got there. drenched. and then stop at this one place with a roof and some picnic tables to get some trail mix in me. lo and behold my knees start to tighten up and it gets a lot colder from standing around. i start to call people. blah blah
"im watching a movie" blah blah "im waiting to pick up my sister" blah blah "im working" BLAH. well i finally get a hold of justin and he agrees to pick me up. i go to this bakery to actually stay inside somewhere until justin arrives. i would have to say i think everyone that works at the "Piece-A-Cake" bakery in East Dundee is really nice. also i recommend the Snicker doodles and the Chocolate Chip Maroons. but once again, have proper attire when biking in the rain.
oh yea, just read an awesome part of War and Peace. book 2, part 2, chapter 12.
Props for Piece-A-Cake
(picture from their website)
ive been pretty excited about these bike rides and the weather wasnt so bad the past two days. so i decided to do another one today. well i didnt check the weather and its supposed to rain a bunch of today and get colder. i bike all the way to dundee thinking that ill go to the dairy queen on the prairie trail and then turn around. welllll i got there. drenched. and then stop at this one place with a roof and some picnic tables to get some trail mix in me. lo and behold my knees start to tighten up and it gets a lot colder from standing around. i start to call people. blah blah
"im watching a movie" blah blah "im waiting to pick up my sister" blah blah "im working" BLAH. well i finally get a hold of justin and he agrees to pick me up. i go to this bakery to actually stay inside somewhere until justin arrives. i would have to say i think everyone that works at the "Piece-A-Cake" bakery in East Dundee is really nice. also i recommend the Snicker doodles and the Chocolate Chip Maroons. but once again, have proper attire when biking in the rain.
oh yea, just read an awesome part of War and Peace. book 2, part 2, chapter 12.
Props for Piece-A-Cake
(picture from their website)

Monday, January 7, 2008
Sunday, January 6, 2008
Bike Ride
so i just got back from my first bike ride of the year with my new bike. it was really smooth. went on my normal bike route of going to downtown CL. it was really nice. thank God for this great weather that we are having. i believe its been high 50s all day. kinda crazy what 30-40 degrees can do. two days ago it was a winter wonder land and now i want to put shorts on.
CL has been a lot better than i actually thought it would be. there has been some events going on. but im looking forward to school again. kinda miss all me buds down there too. i think its kinda crazy that some people will switch schools for a gf/bf. but then again love has no bounds, right?
"War and Peace" and "Hate Mail from Cheerleaders" are both going pretty good. HMFC is easier to read because you can just read a story and they are 3 pages long. where war and peace is the definition of episodic.
i dont know if i mentioned this before but lucy had a party in lake forest. a super ____ theme in which you had to dress up as something super. i decided to be super fat. i think it worked.
CL has been a lot better than i actually thought it would be. there has been some events going on. but im looking forward to school again. kinda miss all me buds down there too. i think its kinda crazy that some people will switch schools for a gf/bf. but then again love has no bounds, right?
"War and Peace" and "Hate Mail from Cheerleaders" are both going pretty good. HMFC is easier to read because you can just read a story and they are 3 pages long. where war and peace is the definition of episodic.
i dont know if i mentioned this before but lucy had a party in lake forest. a super ____ theme in which you had to dress up as something super. i decided to be super fat. i think it worked.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008
New Years
so i finally found a place to put that one sticker from key west. on my bike. it seems like that would be an obvious place but it took me a while to get to this conclusion. that baby is in my room right now. just got the odometer and lights on it that i recieved for christmas. the lights are pretty intense. like really intense. i have a white one in the front and a red one in the back. two settings; stobe and constant. so when i go biking in the dark ill put them on stobe, have a boom box, and have a techno party on the roads. legit.
new years was fun. all i really wanted was a good amount of people in the same place with some spirits. lets just say i dont know how i got my contacts out and in their case. also now that i think about it, spraying champagne in someones basement is kinda mean. oh well, it was new years.
ran into a mail box last night. was on my way to lifetime at around 5 and i go around the block to get to miller and all of the sudden i slide out. its been snowing constantly for about the past week and it started up all yesturday. so the roads were slippery but i should have been more careful. anyways. i slide out. boom. into the Scotts mailbox. thank goodness it wasnt another car or anything. and good thing that i knew the people. apparently this accident happens nearly every year, as the Scotts have said. that does make me feel better. but i did make it to lifetime afterwards.
i got my sister alison a book from urban outfitters for christmas. its called "Mortified" by Dave Nadelberg. its freakin hilarious. its a bunch of diaries and journals from kids when they were young. from obsessions of Duran Duran to letters to Mr. Belvedere (the butler on the 80's sitcom "Mr. Belvedere"). aside from the fact that they are hilarious, its pretty crazy what you can look back on and see things that seemed to be really important in your life and really... they were not.
My-Most-Random-Present of this christmas

yes, thats a duck carving kit
new years was fun. all i really wanted was a good amount of people in the same place with some spirits. lets just say i dont know how i got my contacts out and in their case. also now that i think about it, spraying champagne in someones basement is kinda mean. oh well, it was new years.
ran into a mail box last night. was on my way to lifetime at around 5 and i go around the block to get to miller and all of the sudden i slide out. its been snowing constantly for about the past week and it started up all yesturday. so the roads were slippery but i should have been more careful. anyways. i slide out. boom. into the Scotts mailbox. thank goodness it wasnt another car or anything. and good thing that i knew the people. apparently this accident happens nearly every year, as the Scotts have said. that does make me feel better. but i did make it to lifetime afterwards.
i got my sister alison a book from urban outfitters for christmas. its called "Mortified" by Dave Nadelberg. its freakin hilarious. its a bunch of diaries and journals from kids when they were young. from obsessions of Duran Duran to letters to Mr. Belvedere (the butler on the 80's sitcom "Mr. Belvedere"). aside from the fact that they are hilarious, its pretty crazy what you can look back on and see things that seemed to be really important in your life and really... they were not.
My-Most-Random-Present of this christmas

yes, thats a duck carving kit
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