new years was fun. all i really wanted was a good amount of people in the same place with some spirits. lets just say i dont know how i got my contacts out and in their case. also now that i think about it, spraying champagne in someones basement is kinda mean. oh well, it was new years.
ran into a mail box last night. was on my way to lifetime at around 5 and i go around the block to get to miller and all of the sudden i slide out. its been snowing constantly for about the past week and it started up all yesturday. so the roads were slippery but i should have been more careful. anyways. i slide out. boom. into the Scotts mailbox. thank goodness it wasnt another car or anything. and good thing that i knew the people. apparently this accident happens nearly every year, as the Scotts have said. that does make me feel better. but i did make it to lifetime afterwards.
i got my sister alison a book from urban outfitters for christmas. its called "Mortified" by Dave Nadelberg. its freakin hilarious. its a bunch of diaries and journals from kids when they were young. from obsessions of Duran Duran to letters to Mr. Belvedere (the butler on the 80's sitcom "Mr. Belvedere"). aside from the fact that they are hilarious, its pretty crazy what you can look back on and see things that seemed to be really important in your life and really... they were not.
My-Most-Random-Present of this christmas

yes, thats a duck carving kit
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