Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Never Again

so its my birthday. big 2-1. last night was pretty crazy. started kicking back a few around 7:30 and went over to justins at 8:00 to watch the sox game and get things started. as soon as i get there justin gives adam and i a shot of jager. that stuff is better than i thought. we got some coors. it was good. i was drinking. a lot. my sister came at around 10:30 and brought a cake. but she didnt have any candles. so justin got a scented candle. didnt work. so he just used the lighter. it was very easy to blow out. im stumbling. a good amount of people came for the small celebration. we finally go to the bars at midnight and im wearing that stupid tiarra that justin has. about 3 seconds of being in the bar justin gets me a landshark. i drank it way too fast. after that i remember four things; taking a sip from marks rum and coke, going to the bathroom, pointing to my tiarra and saying to some completely random guys "this isnt too gay is it?", and taking the four horseman. half way through the four i nearly upchucked and mark says that he cringed when he saw me do that. after that i blacked out. apparently i puked all over pub 2's parking lot and needed to be taken home by brittany and mark or justin, i have no idea. that night will never be recreated. im happy its over with. drink responsibly. carpe diem.