Friday, May 9, 2008

new from the old

so its 1:43 in the morning. its saturday. im still at the ilstu and not nearly finished packing my room. this dorm (watterson) is one of the biggest in the nation and its fucking empty... really. the only two people that i think are still in it are me and the kid across the hall in the single bedroom that ive had roughly 3 conversations with that didnt have more than 30 words in them. other than that i dont here a sound from any floor, dont see anyone anywhere, and it all feels like a ghost town. doesnt help either being in a room with half the amount of people its supposed to have be in it. oh well, ill make it through. this is going to be a long entry because i havent wrote in it since my birthday. my life had been pretty boring since then actually. it was mostly just class, homework, and repeat. but for my send off of the school year ill say some of my favorite moments of the year according to who did them.
-watching that horrible japanese movie with you
-dropping my shorts in the stairwell
-"smoke weeeed"
-latino studies and theatre in general
-"put your ..."
-all of the drama
-the "emperor" drinking game ("kill kill kill kill, live live live live")
-being the beer pong tourney champion
-chillin on Dunn 4 and your face behind the door about abby
-johnsons bar crawl
-the jimmy buffett band
-lighter for birthday candle
-courts bday
-winning 8 in a row at rickys
-the photo shoot in your room
-you playing cupid
-your dress for barn dance
-most epic Hardcore game of halo
-your stupid but awesome beer pong finals win over eiler and i
-trip to purdue and miami ohio
-wearing my cub scout uniform for halloween
-our marriage talk
-you not showing up when you scedualed lunch
-latino studies moments
-incorporating brian into the scene and the actions that came from that
-my BP partner for most of the year
-challenging my dance moves
-raging at the pub 2 bodyguards
-starting the revolution in alabama
-"ooooooooh gasmoooooooo"
-pink drank
-the bro walk
-fights with your roommates and anyone who wants to rumble with words
-always offering even though i will refuse every time
-the hickey shuffle
-arguments with vargas
-professing your friendship through horrible deeds.
-talking about gta
-your cars bass making me feel like an earthquake was coming
-olive garden and sushi
-your best game of beer pong at hickeys
-dissing the girls business frat
-"make me drink the salty waaater"
-organizing the "ruck fockford" party
-comparing me to your mother...
-always shrugging your shoulders and holding the double thumbsup with your smiles
-whatski isski youski sayingski?
-blacking out on multiple occasions
-always sucking at video games
-trying to get into fights the most
-never failing to say "whats up fagnes"
-recognizing how bad brian fucked up
-not having any nice cloths for a good occasion
-feeling 10x cooler to the "hustlin" song
-being the most photogenic friend i have
-talking about video games
-losing everything on centsports...
-sharing hilarious/stupid online videos
-ooooh what up hal!
-epic swedish fish toss
-pinning your finger in the door, bruising it, and never telling me until months later...
-sienfeld everyday and owning in sienfeld trivia
-tripping you when your drunk
-listening to stupid david play halo/listen to music/be dumb

and thats all im going to do really. if anyone reads this and is sad that i didnt mention them. tough luck bro. its just a dumb blog

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