Friday, January 18, 2008

i might be bipolar

so yea, i have some good ups and downs. not extreme. but very noticable. a lot of things have been happening. so heres a rant.

every teacher thinking that my life is going to revolve around every class
watterson food court closing for the weekend
dumb girls
no money
no bike rides
spending $600 on books
the wind outside of watterson always blowing at you
teacher thinking that every required book in college being used
saying "pizza hut" when the teacher asks in spanish "what do you like to drink with your friends"
getting a spanish tutor
no job
dumb job fair
forgetting heavy things at home
only playing rap at parties
War and Peace
biking on new bike
finishing book
classes i actually like
working out
those wafer sticks with chocolate in them
funny harry potter lines, ex; "of course! phoenix tears have healing powers!" psh what a bull shit ending
hot showers

its been a long stressful week.


shay said...

"AM I A HOT SHOWER?!?!?!??!" haha love u gregor

Austin said...

Call me for consulting in regards to your textbook problems.

Austin said...

I'm not kidding.

Call me.