Wednesday, December 26, 2007
On The Road - Christmas Edition
we started off driving 10 and a half hours to Souix City. thats the longest it has ever taken us. usually its around 8 but one of our freakin car top carries decided to say "screw you, im going to mess things up" by popping open while we are going 80 and throwing around everything that was in it on to the highway. oh yea.
we turned around in those U-turn places for "authorized vehicles only" (yea i know, bad ass) and looked around at all this trash that was sometimes our possessions. turns out we saved a digital camera, so it was worth coming back. but the real dilemma was trying to find some bungie cords to hold the car top carrier down with. took us a few stops and we got the job done.
-side note- the gas station "QT" is the most legit gas station ive ever seen.
christmas was fun. we spent the 24th in souix city with my dads side and had some gift exchanges there. then we had the annual christmas party at my dads brothers wifes parents house talking to people i dont know that i will most definately not see until next year and will try to act like i know them next time the party comes around. but i did talk to a high school algebra teacher of 30 years who likes to read. told me to read "Moby Dick". he said he's started reading it about 10 times and has never finished it. ill probably never read it.
after that went to my aunts house (aunt kim) and unpacked there. its been getting pretty rediculous with this whole pack the car, unpack the car, use some stuff, pack the car, unpack the car, use some stuff thing. living out of a suitcase blows. but i digress.
went to my OTHER aunts house (aunt carol) on my moms side and had christmas with a bunch of relatives. owned in monopoly. ate the best food ever. ate some more food. got my gift stolen about 5 times in the grab bag. ended up with a duck carving kit, a brand of cognac hat, and a retro elk wall decoration for the white elephant. ate some more food. and accidently opened my gift to my godfather, thinking that my mom was giving me a gift. my mom never told me that it was his!
that was in Sibley, Iowa
and it was snowing the whole time. i couldnt stop complimenting on how sweet it was that it was snowing on christmas day. there are so many xmas's that i have had that there was absolutely no snow. this time, we were getting dumped on. i think it was 5 inches of snow through out the day. it never stopped the whole time i was in Sibley. there were your really small kind. your snowflakes the size of quarters kind. it was just a perk that i really liked, especially for today.
so we woke up late today at my aunt kims house. went to goodwill and aunt kim said that we had to spend 35 cents. it was tough because there wasnt a lot of good stuff even though i looked extensively in the sports jacket section. but i found a nice beerstein to use for next year. i think im going to have too many house cups. i need to whittle it down to one. but after that we headed out of aunt kims. said goodbye and everything. and then headed up here to minneapolis where my cousin lives. shes of an older generation and had kids which one is almost my age. tomorrow we will be snowboarding on this newly fallen, natural, not icey, snow. im excited.
oh yea and i got a new bike for christmas. im excited for it.
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Freakin Balls
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Indian Prarie hillllll
"hey what are you doing"
"oh nothing, but if something comes up ill call you"
its boring, its dumb, its home. thats what happens a lot. well i couldn't take it, i wanted some kind of fun.
well i made my own. i got good ol' BUCKLE UP 1 (my families astro van) and picked up everyone. andy, willes, abby, mark, kyle, justin. we all pack in there. get some stuff to keep up warm. i didn't have any because i decided to take one for the team and be the DD. they pounded it. then we all went to indian prairie hill and caused a ruckus. oh and it was real great when mike and steve decide to spray the fire extingusher in the car... well... we start flying down the hill about 5 times and then we were so tired. especially the people that had a bit of natural anti-freeze in their blood. at one point in time bergan joined us in the fun. met andys lil bro kevin and some of his friends. at one point in time steve tackled me down the hill and then ev-er-y-one decided to join in and we liteally went down the hill in a ball of tackling and dog piling and i didnt know whos shoe was in my face or who was pound driving my head into the ground. my first guess would be mark. after that mike and andy decided to peace out with bergan and then on the way to his car justin sees one of my sleds that i brought being taken away by someone else. it was one of those old wooden sleds that you would see in like "A Christmas Story", its probably from the 1940s, you cant miss it. well the kids decided to call justin a puuuuuussy and he wanted to rumble but walked away. well then when we all decided to leave because mark gave abby a high ankle sprain or something while they were wrestling in the snow. nice job mark. we start to leave and then those kids (they were our age or older) decide to start talking smack-a-lack. justin comes back with a "DOUSH BAAAG" to one of the losers and walks back towards the car. well this girl comes up to the car, puts her had into the car and holds on to the hand loop right in the frame of the door so the sliding door doesnt shut. "um your an asshole and you need to apologize for the doushbag comment". wait wait wait.... justin? apologize? i dont think so. so mark does it for them. and we start shutting the door. "oh no you didnt!" says one of her crew. and they procede to start chucking snowballs at the car. "no one slams the door on my girls fingers!" um ok... well i just ask "can we leave" to them and they let go and then the girl starts kicking snow at the car while we are leaving. well. we get about 20 feet away and then steve goes "fuck this, im getting out" then justin and kyle procedes after that. mark tries to get them into the car. fails. and i pull away because of abbys ankle and i want to get her back to marks. so its steve, kyle, and justin. talking shit. to about 7 guys and a girl. real great. i drop off abby and mark and just decide to head home because then justin, steve and kyle get picked up by bergen. and from what i heard from justin after they got back was this via instant messanger;
greg: how big of a bitch was the girl in the yellow
greg: hahahaha
justin: when wille was yelling at them she walks up to me and says "u fuck with a stripper, you fuck with her bouncers"
justin: i just said "what?"
justin: she repeats
justin: i go "so wait..........your a stripper?"
so apparently we were fighting with a stripper and her bouncers. at indian prarie hill. sledding.
what a story
Friday, December 14, 2007
Back Home
off to lifetime to catch up on some excersise. i just love sleeping in.
Monday, December 10, 2007
Finals Looming
i dont have any money on my food plan anymore. actually. i do. about 2 dollars but then again two dollars will probably buy me a couple packets of peanut butter and a bagel. not cool.
been buckling down for finals now. making notecards is awesome for tests.
so for next year dale is going to try and get into cooking. he wants to try and make it a hobby which when you think of it is pretty legit. how many times have you wanted to cook something good and you didnt know how. i gave him a option for next year. i dont know how often... maybe 3-4x a month he could tell me what he wanted to make for dinner and i would go out and buy the stuff for him. but im not talking about oven bake pizza or anything. im talking about like steak, some good pasta, or even like burgers. something that i would be able to look forward to on whatever day we pick to have good dinners. hopefully itll be good.
Random-Thought of the day is
if i could be anywhere right now it would be boarding down a hill at Keystone, CO.
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
kid nation
go jared.
and i havent lost it in a long time like i did when i saw this quote
misk21587: Jrbrown307 (7:55:33 PM): anjays a loser hahahahaha
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Battle Royale!
just found out that i have three finals on next thursday. how horrible would that be? thank the good Lord above that you can change your final scedual around if you have 3 on one day.
i just got news from my dad that i will be getting a bike from santa. now santa is really cool and lets me pick out the bike i want. so ill be on the lookout for a nice road bike. santa owns.
trying to start training for RAGBRAI right now. i hate biking on a machine indoors.
Best-Pic-of-My-Friend-Sarah-and-Kelsey of the day is!
(kelsey left, sarah right)

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Story Time

Sunday, November 25, 2007
A Spoon Full of Cinnamon Will Not Make the Medicine Go Down
i bet her $50 to eat a tablespoon full of cinnamon. she apparently really needed some xmas gift money and i didnt know that so my bet was very persuasive. and yes, thats mostly me laughing in the background.
turkey break gets boring really fast because after the initial day of eating and what not all of the women go out for a long long shopping spree and im stuck at the cousins house trying to find something to do. last year my cousins and i that were back at the house started making puzzles. so i thought of extending that tradtition. mollie and i started off with a easy 100 piece one. but then i went to look for another one and boom there it was. a 1500 piece puzzle of a god damn castle in france with a lot of grass and a lot of blue sky. i thought i was up for the challenge. i had three days ahead of me. lets go.
nope. didnt happen. for 3 days i slaved over that puzzle until the wee hours of the night with a bunch of my cousins and relatives and by golly i didnt get it done. the sky (the skys of insanity) was just impossible and the grass underneath the castle was just a bit easier. for those two parts it would have been easier if we had done the puzzle flipped over. anyways.
saturday mi familia went to lunch with my moms sisters family. we also do this every year and its always nice to pick up on news from everyone. my cousin sam and i played about 10 games of darts and ive noticed that im not that bad with darts. maybe it could be a game that i could pick up. speaking of darts, if anyone likes betting, darts, and the irish mob then i could highly recommend Balling the Jack by Frank Baldwin. "it was the best book ive ever read" said by Tim Dolan, a well respected book reviewer for the Crystal Lake Cronical.
Best-Picture-Incorporating-A-Chair-And-Joiner of the day is!

Saturday, November 17, 2007
I Dont Follow NCAAFB
got back home yesturday and it was refreshing walking inside and smelling that unique smell of detergent/cooking/i-dont-know all mixed together that smells like the Agnes home. plus it was nice making myself enough food from the refrigerator to fill me up. mmmm turkey sandwich. nice to not wear flip flops in the shower. nice to sleep in a queen bed. and nice to drive a car. actually i take that one back. cars suck. they are just a piece of work.
so i was sitting around playing video games last night waiting for people to call me and then my friend mal IMs me saying " gregory! please come visit me with natalie!". in which my first response was hell no, your at Northpark and thats in Chicago and its 9:30 and natalie would have to pick me up, so thats 30 mins on top of that and ive done enough driving today and we cant sleep over because they are a christian college so they dont allow visitors to sleep over and ahhhhh shit im coming. this dumb adventurous side of me just says "s my d" to everything that gets in the way of a adventure. so my friend natalie and i went to see my friend mal at Northpark. it was awesome. we met her roommates and they were sweet. then mals roommate and her friend jason came with us to get some food by belmont st. (i think thats how you spell it). the food was good but i couldnt finish it all. and there were a lot of "original" people around. i didnt have a problem with any but im just a sheltered boy to that. growing up in the suburbs and then going to isu. nothing wrong with being original but it was a sight to see how other people live.
this is going to be a very interesting thanksgiving.
Merriam-Webster Word of the Day is!
1 : a secluded dwelling of a Hindu sage; also : the group of disciples instructed there
*2 : a religious retreat
Example Sentence:Susan took a semester off from school in order to practice meditation and yoga at an ashram.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
New Scedual
started working out again. i miss the feeling of actually working out for a goal (example football or track) instead of just trying to keep in shape. i feel bad for people that havent been involved in sports. any sport that is. because then they most likely will not have the motivation to work out or get started in sports right now. being physically active helps out, not just physically, but sometimes emotionally as well.
been reading a lot. got two books on my plate right now. Life of Pie and War And Peace. have been putting War And Peace on the back burner for the moment because i need more time to read Life of Pie which is for a class. im happy that we are reading it because a long time ago my friend Amit recommended it to me and i never got around to it. it sucks though that class is on monday wednesday and the teacher always assigns 90 pages and its a bitch to read 90 pages in two days. but im still trudging along with WAP. its got some really unique parts that you dont see in most novels.
i miss the Kasstle. every year my moms side of the family. which includes my family, and all of my aunts families. go up to Cable, WI and stay at the Garmish Inn which has a cabin that looks like a castle. my moms maiden name is Kass so we just incorporated the two and thats how the name Kasstle came around. we've been going there for i think 17 years and i dont think we plan on stopping anytime soon. i dont know how many times i fell off tubing or how many big waves ive smacked into. i just learned how to soloum ski last year. heres a pic of the place.

my friends dale and dino were on jerry springer. the episode was on at two today. i was absent minded and was playing halo 3 and forgot about it. good thing that dale recorded it. apparently they gave a very good reaction when some black girl showed her fun bags. ha!
Hopefully-Someone-From-NCC-Knows-This-Girl pic of the day is!

Sunday, November 11, 2007
Urban Dictionary
i still want to do some glass blowing.
i wonder what it would be like to be stranded on an island. and how one person would change that if they were there.
i think the iPhone is cool.
if real russian names are like those in War and Peace. then russian names are way too long.
Chinese-Fortune of the day!
Find release from your cares, have a good time
Lucky # 46, 84, 6, 45, 22, 11
Learn Chinese: Bo- Cai, Spinach
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Go Green, Go White!
Friday, November 9, 2007
Thursday, November 8, 2007
what movie is this?
Monday, November 5, 2007
Tell Me Something
whats yours? i might post it.
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Working the Double
Across The Universe
So apparently this blog of mine is starting to spread throughout my friends. Here are some comments ive got about them that i remember.
"You have a blog, Greg? Its that the same as a diary?" - Sean Hicky
"What the hell were you talking about with that almond comment?" - Lindsey Warner
"Yea, whats up with those almonds?" - Annette Vacval
"You have inspired me to start up my blog again." -Nick Bambini
etc etc
Well basically i just want to keep my thoughts into one place. thats the purpose of this blog. maybe ill look back on it and laugh at how stupid i was or something. plus its nice to think that some friends of mine that i dont see much are informed of my well being and maybe just decide to check it because they are bored.
oh yea, and im taking the plunge. im reading War and Peace.
Quote of the day
Wouldn't you like to see a positive LSD story on the news? To hear what it's all about, perhaps? Wouldn't that be interesting? Just for once? "Today, a young man on acid realized that all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration … that we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively. There's no such thing as death, life is only a dream, and we're the imagination of ourselves. Here's Tom with the weather."
-Bill Hicks
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Guitarist Wanna-be
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Friday, October 26, 2007
Knights of Cydonia
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Bling Bling Bling

Monday, October 22, 2007
Horrible Time Management
"i digress" is a new term for me. i believe it means that you get off topic. but the starting topic was dumb but ill just say it anyway for the fact that i want to have a better topic that was never here in the first place.
facebook is addicting.
if it was a drug i would be living on the streets by now. which brings me to the fact that i just want to share that i gave that and all personal use of the internet up for lent last year. yes, i did nearly go insane and yes, i will never do it again. but it was something that was hard. i like to test myself every year to see how far i can go. like for example, i gave up "creaming the mastadon"one year, biting my nails (horrible habit of mine) and i think one year i actually drank two nalgeen bottles a day. but that last one didnt last long. actually that might not even be true.
put this man as your background. itll make you smile.
"Greatest-Old-Man-Picture of the day"

Sunday, October 21, 2007
I Had A Dream
Chicka Chicka Yeaaa
ever since my good friend austin made a blog ( ... i believe) i have been always looking for him to update his. also he has (at the moment) a pretty sweet youtube video group going on ( about the challenges of asia and how his friends and him over come those challenges to find themselves and each other.
but enough of their advertising. i digress.
i had been checking up on those two things on a healthy basis. austin says that i should start one. stating that i have a unique view on life. plus he would like an update once in a while. and the unigue view did not get to me but the second statement actually got me to thinking. i dont update enough on my life and some people are bored out there and would like to know. then i thought "its nice to look back at memories and laugh at them". so. this is the start of those.
and also from looking at other blogs, there seems to be a need for a "blank of the day" thing. so for the "Quote-I-Will-Use-If-I-Become-A-English-Teacher of the day" is...
An English Prof. wrote the words;
"A women without her man is nothing"
on the chalkboard and asked his students to punctuate it correctly.
All of the men in the class wrote;
"A women, without her man, is nothing."
All of the women in the class wrote;
"A women: without her, man is nothing."
Punctuation is powerful.